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Addictive behaviors

Journal Volume: 112
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2020
Articles in SafetyLit: 13

Cannabis norm perceptions among Canadian university students

Characterizing the role of impaired control over alcohol in associations of impulsive personality traits with alcohol use as a function of depressive disorder

Consumer perceptions of 'legal' and 'illegal' cannabis in US states with legal cannabis sales

Curvilinear associations between sexual orientation and problematic substance use, behavioural addictions and mental health among young Swiss men

Evaluating the influences of major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder on trauma and alcohol cue reactivity

Heightened healthcare utilization & risk of mental disorders among Veterans with comorbid opioid use disorder & posttraumatic stress disorder

Longitudinal changes in alcohol use and binge-drinking among young-adult college students: analyses of predictors across system levels

Parent's psychopathological profiles and adolescent offspring's substance use disorders

Predictors of receptivity to an alcohol intervention among mandated students

Protective behavioral strategies and alcohol outcomes: impact of mood and personality disorders

Social network heavy drinking moderates the effects of a brief motivational intervention for alcohol use among injured patients

Specific emotion-regulation processes explain the relationship between mindfulness and self-compassion with coping-motivated alcohol and marijuana use

Unplanned vs. planned drinking: event-level influences of drinking motives and affect